Today, I am enjoying the comfort of home and prepping…

Ahhhhh, tomorrow is TBD (THE BIG DAY). Sorry… not my wedding. I hope I didn’t get your hopes up. An interview! Epp! Excited, nervous, flurries of little butterflies hitting the lining of my stomach. OH NO. I found this photo on my computer as I was cleaning it up. It’s of a sign in a bathroom (I can’t remember which bathroom now… was it Parker & Otis?) of a brunch place that I dined in with Markie back in April (DURHAM).


I’ll try to remember that whenever I get nervous or am feeling down. Also reminds me of a similar message of J. Cole’s song with TLC “Crooked Smile.” The MV is worth a watch; it’s sad, but it’s based on a true story. I won’t say much about it, however, it’s worth watching and then doing some research afterwards, whether you want to use news articles or Wiki or google.. up to you! But always remember, you look lovely! Ahhhh… good luck to me, have a lovely Friday and a lovely weekend!

J. Cole ft TLC – Crooked Smile (<– click on link to watch music video)